Investment and Project Advisory
S+T has a strong history of delivering complex infrastructure, policy and program initiatives. Our extensive experience in project strategy, business case development, and stakeholder management means our approach to business cases and project strategy differs from that of our competitors.
Investing in an initiative or negotiating a preferred outcome relies on more than just a good idea and preparation.

Service Description
The decision to invest in an initiative or negotiate a preferred outcome relies on more than just a good idea and preparation. Our combined strengths in infrastructure planning and development and delivery, investment assurance, program design, policy and strategy analysis, commercial transactions, precinct planning and project management enable us to advise a diverse range of public and private sector entities.
Many firms offer basic business case and advisory skills – S+T’s point of difference is the real world experience the team has developing and implementing practical solutions within the constraints of established processes, accompanied by our understanding of government itself. Our approach includes value add services such as supporting clients through gateway assurance, Ministerial and Cabinet briefings where relevant, all with a clear narrative and intent to maximise the likelihood of success for the project.
How we can help
Our project and professional experience mean we can help our government and non-government clients to look beyond their day-to-day business and operations to achieve successful project outcomes. We support our clients to deliver logical and coherent proposals that enable defensible decision making at all levels.
We work closely with our clients to build internal capability and focus on understanding where knowledge and expertise can be developed.
Our value add to all of our clients is the support that we offer through our deep understanding of nuances of government investment and decision-making processes. On all engagements we provide process, briefing and communications support, giving clients the tools they need to effectively communicate with decision makers.
Examples of our investment and project advisory services, include: Investment Logic Mapping, project scoping and definition, Capital Investment Proposals, Strategic and Final Business Case development, stakeholder engagement and change management, project assurance management and support, project governance, management and reporting, Program Management Office (PMO) design and establishment, transaction management (public private partnerships) and tender strategy, bid management and preparation.
Case Studies
S+T was engaged by the Sydney Opera House (SOH) to develop a business case and Change Management Strategy to support a major uplift in major maintenance works at the Opera House.
SOH has identified a significant program of major maintenance works that need to be delivered to ensure the ongoing performance and functionality of the precinct, to maintain and attract visitation and use of the Opera House.
Sydney Opera House, Critical Asset Maintenance - Detailed Business Case and Change Management Strategy
S+T developed a Strategic Business Case for Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW), in consultation with the NSW Police Force, to explore options for the development of a rural or metropolitan driver training facility designed for emergency services to learn, maintain and practice safe scenario-based driving skills.
The proposal sought to increase capability and capacity for FRNSW and all emergency services to deliver driver skills and rescue programs and provide the opportunity for engagement and collaboration with other emergency service agencies.
Fire & Rescue NSW, Multi-Agency Driver Training Academy - Strategic Business Case
Marine Rescue NSW (MRNSW) engaged S+T to manage and develop a Detailed Business Case that explored the options available to MRNSW to drive better state-wide safety and training outcomes across their volunteer base. The project will establish an integrated academy on the site of Hungry Point Reserve, an existing asset for both MRNSW and the community, to deliver a range of marine rescue training services, accommodation and community spaces to the boating public, MRNSW volunteers and corporate partners.
Marine Rescue NSW, Delivering Training Excellence - Detailed Business Case and Government Relations

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